Tuesday, August 30, 2016

What Size Battery Cable for Boats

There are ways to determine the perfect size of the best battery cable for your boat. First, you should ask the manufacturer or the retailer of the cable if the wire will able to fit into the engine of your boat. This is an obvious and straightforward method, but if the manufacturer has a vast knowledge, then your query will be answered.

If the first method doesn't work, then you need to do a little math. Just directly determine the displacement size of your engine. This should be in cubic inches. If your engine's measurement is in liters, just convert it to cubic. 1 liter is equal to 61.02 cubic inches.

After you derived the displacement size, multiply it by the proper amps per cubic rating of the engine of your boat. Usually, the rating is as follows:
8 cylinder = 1 amp
6 cylinder = 1.5 amp
4 cylinder = 2 amp

For example, if you got a displacement size of 305.1, that falls on the eight cylinder rating. So your cable size should cater at least 305.1 amps. This is your current flow.
The higher the amperage, the longer cable you need. Big cables are also efficient in preventing voltage loss.

Usually, most boat engines have 12-volt circuits. Therefore, you can only determine the length and size of the cable if you know the current flow.
We already have shown you how to get the current flow. The only thing left to do is to go to look for a table that depicts the different number of amps and the corresponding cable size for them. Usually, cable manufacturers have this kind of table. 

Learn more about this topic you can visit this site.

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