Saturday, August 27, 2016

How does a battery isolator work?

A battery isolator is a kind of power source that lets electricity flow in one direction only. This type of battery is often used when an engine requires many cells. In the case of multiple batteries, the best battery isolator can assure you that one cell failure will not debilitate the entire system.

Battery isolators are commonly used in motorboats, large trucks, airplanes and any utility vehicles. Apparently, these vehicles require multiple batteries and a lot of backup power sources.

A battery isolator works by separating a congregation of cells from each other. In this way, a vehicle can still run if one battery dies out. This function is crucial to passenger planes and cars, where life is on the line.

Moreover, a battery isolator ensures that the engine will not take juice from the cells at the same time. This keeps your electrical system from functioning, without losing power too fast. Aside from that, an isolator has sensors to determine the number of batteries and which battery has the biggest juice.

An isolator is usually attached to the batteries. This device is then connected to the alternator of the vehicle.

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